Hai cercato: Creation

Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms / 2023

Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms

Basata sul più noto romanzo fantasy classico cinese, Fengshenyanyi, la trilogia è una magnifica epopea orientale high fantasy che ricrea le prolungate guerre mitiche tra umani, immortali e mostri, avvenute più di tremila anni fa.

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Creation - L'evoluzione di Darwin / 20096.921 voti

Creation - L'evoluzione di Darwin

Il più classico dei biopic illustra la vita e le ricerche del noto scienziato Charles Darwin, padre fondatore della teoria evoluzionista. Il racconto nasce a partire dal libro scritto dal bis-bis-nipote Randal Keynes, che ha raccolto foto, documenti, lettere e diari di famiglia. Un viaggio nel passato per scoprire l’uomo Charles Darwin e l’affetto profondo che lo legava ad Annie, amatissima figlia, la cui prematura scomparsa sconvolse la vita e il lavoro dello scienziato.

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Creation / 2024


As two souls collaborate to construct a world of shapes, color, sound, and motion, they must consult their instincts to build a meaningful, doubtless narrative, discovering the power of self-expression and the joy of creating something new.

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Conosciuto per: Yokohama BJ Blues (1981), Confessions of a Teenage Mother (1977), Flesh Target: Rape! (1979)

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Annabelle 2 - Creation / 20176.294 voti

Annabelle 2 - Creation

Diversi anni dopo la tragica morte della loro piccola figlia, un creatore di bambole e sua moglie accolgono in casa una suora e diverse ragazze di un orfanotrofio. Queste diventeranno presto l'obiettivo di Annabelle, la diabolica bambola creata dall'uomo.

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Creation / 1922


A man poses as the reincarnation of a woman's drowned husband.

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Creation / 19798.01 voti


"The ecstatic, mythic montage of Alaskan landscapes" is also "about the act of making" and an antidote to the stodgy notion that life crawled forth from a warm primordial soup.

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Creation / 1931


A lost submarine discovers a secret island where dinosaurs still live. The film, 20 minutes long, was scrapped by RKO. Approximately 4 minutes survived.

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Creation / 2001


A film investigating ancient writings with a visual reconstruction of the Avesta texts and beautiful settings.

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Creation / 1966


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Creation /


A man wakes up in an empty white room. There are no doors, no windows, nothing. The only object in the room is a laptop and he soon discovers that whatever he writes on it becomes true. He quickly ends up following his first instinct and creating a woman for sex, but the experience isn't as satisfying as he thought because the girl is just an empty shell, unable to say anything apart from 'I want sex'. The man realises that to have a real connection he needs a real person. So he starts adding details to the description of the girl until finally he realises that, in order to create a real person to connect with, he has to create the whole world around her. He writes and writes and, as he keeps working, the world around him acquires shapes, colours and textures. He finally manages to turn the girl into a real person, Eve, and everything seems perfect. But what happens when Eve discovers her true origin?

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Creation / 2020


An artist struggles to find an idea worth pursuing and wrestles with the meaning of creation, and the creative process.

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Creation / 1984


The first 12 minutes would later be released as "Fountain of Dreams"

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Creation / 2019


Creation is a poetic short film about beauty and ugliness, order and chaos, light and darkness, joy and sadness, war and peace, life and death.

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Seneca: On the Creation of Earthquakes / 2023

Seneca: On the Creation of Earthquakes

Rome in 65 AD, Emperor Nero's tyrannical regime has reached its zenith, Nero's self-indulgence and excessiveness brings up the opposition against him, conspiracies threaten his power. By all means Nero tries to defend his despotic claim of sovereignty. The famous philosopher Seneca has been Nero's teacher, mentor and close advisor since childhood, he is significantly involved in his ascent. Nevertheless, Nero gets weary of Seneca and Nero uses a foiled attack on his life to falsely accuse Seneca of being an accomplice.

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RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop / 2023

icona serie tvRoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop

An in-depth look into the ground breaking franchise and features new interviews with cast and crew.

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Scheire and the Creation / 2012

icona serie tvScheire and the Creation

Lieven Scheire wanders like a forensic blood hound on planet science and all her secondary planets. Faithfully assisted by Googleman and his one-man house orchestra Stijn Cole.

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Le curiose creazioni di Christine McConnell / 20188.01 voti

icona serie tvLe curiose creazioni di Christine McConnell

Christine McConnell è un'abile pasticcera con una passione per l'estetica horror e goth. La sua casa è piena di dolci leccornie realizzate in modo da assomigliare a mostri e macabri dettagli.

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Directing Annabelle: Creation / 2017

Directing Annabelle: Creation

Director David F. Sandberg takes you through the process behind making the 2017 horror film Annabelle Creation.

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The Fire Rises: The Creation and Impact of The Dark Knight Trilogy / 20139.73 voti

The Fire Rises: The Creation and Impact of The Dark Knight Trilogy

This feature-length documentary delves into the trilogy, opening with the inspiration and vision for the new Batman films and inching its way toward the Rises finale and the culmination of nearly a decade of creative blood, sweat and tears. Candid, thoughtful and extensive, and comprised of revealing behind-the-scenes footage, countless interviews, audition tapes (with Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy doning the cape and cowl), and a narrative grip and momentum all its own, it leaves no stone unturned.

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