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I 7 nani / 20143.85 voti

I 7 nani

Nel regno di Fantabulosa la strega Perfidia ha minacciato la principessa Rose di far piombare lei e l’intera corte nel sonno se si pungerà prima del compimento dei diciotto anni. Arrivato il gran giorno del compleanno tutto sembrerebbe andare per il meglio se Bobo, il più giovane e impacciato dei 7 nani, non commettesse un errore pungendola. Si tratta ora di rimediare liberando il giovane Jack che, innamorato di Rose, potrà baciarla risvegliandola. Ai nani spetta il non facile compito.

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Fairy Tales / 1978

Fairy Tales

On his twenty-first birthday, the Prince goes on a quest that takes him across the land searching for the one woman that gets him sexually excited, Princess Sleeping Beauty.

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Il Natale di Belle / 20135.06 voti

Il Natale di Belle

In viaggio di lavoro, Belle instaura un rapporto molto speciale con un cliente, ma il suo più ostinato spasimante è sempre in agguato.

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Princess – Alla ricerca del vero amore / 20095.217 voti

Princess – Alla ricerca del vero amore

Una principessa solitaria e un giovane senza direzione intraprendono una missione per salvare le creature mitiche del mondo dall'estinzione.

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Buonanotte Brian / 19864.04 voti

Buonanotte Brian

Il piccolo Brian non riesce ad addormentarsi se non ascolta la sua favola della buonanotte. Questa sera però sua madre è fuori casa e lo tocca allo zio Mike (Michael Mesmer) fare da babysitter. Mike comincia a raccontare alcune favole angoscianti…

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Krkonošská pohádka / 1974

icona serie tvKrkonošská pohádka

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The Comb / 19915.01 voti

The Comb

A porcelain doll’s explorations of a dreamer’s imagination.

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Lo Hobbit - Il viaggio favoloso del Signor Bilbo Baggins / 19854.52 voti

Lo Hobbit - Il viaggio favoloso del Signor Bilbo Baggins

L'Autore, ossia lo stesso Tolkien (interpretato da Zinovij Gerdt), racconta la "sua" storia: la vita di Bilbo Baggins, un hobbit tranquillo e godereccio, viene sconvolta quando decide di unirsi al mago Gandalf e a una compagnia di tredici nani nel tentativo di riconquistare un tesoro rubato a questi ultimi.

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Skymaster / 2006


Life becomes troublesome when 10-year-old Kalle's newborn sister has a birth defect on her back resembling wings. Only he sees the true miracle of his sister's odd appendages. When she is sent to the renowned Plastic Palace Clinic of cosmetic surgery for an amputation, Kalle sets out on a rescue mission. On the road, he meets Alf, a reclusive mechanic, who agrees to help. Together, they take off in Alf's vintage Cadillac in a race against time through an autumn-colored world of song and dance.

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May Fairy Tale / 1940

May Fairy Tale

Ríša, a student of law, neglects his studies in favour of parties and pranks. His angry father refuses to continue helping him out of his debts. Ríša, however, is not entirely beyond hope. He decides to go and stay for a while with his uncle, a priest, who lives in Moravia, in order to prepare for his exams. He meets Helenka, the timid daughter of the local gamekeeper, at a village ball and is enchanted by her. The days pass and their idyllic relationship begins to tire Ríša. He begins to tell Helenka about his former debauched life the about the broken hearts of beautiful women. Helenka is hurt and refuses to see Ríša anymore. His uncle, the priest, is incensed at his behaviour and orders his nephew out of the house. Ríša tries desperately to find Helenka so he can make it up to her.

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New Year Tale / 1972

New Year Tale

Tale about schoolchildren who are preparing for the New Year and lisping goblin who can't pronounce words of children's holiday song.

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Haaland: Eventyrhøsten / 2022

Haaland: Eventyrhøsten

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Super Why! 'Twas The Night Before Christmas / 2010

Super Why! 'Twas The Night Before Christmas

This fun and exciting release from the PBS animated series Super Why! includes four holiday themed episodes: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, The Ghost Who Was Afraid of Halloween, The Three Feathers, and The Stars in the Sky.

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Ride / 2022


Two BMX riders from different sides of the globe fall in love and take on the world. A single training accident takes everything they have known away from them. Sam can no longer walk, Alise no longer wants to ride, together they help each other become World Champions again. This time as rider and coach.

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