Keira Haze

The Cove
Il sorriso di quei delfini è il più grande inganno della natura. Crea l'illusione che siano sempre felici.
Ric O'Barry
Voglio veder finire tutto questo. Per ora mi concentro su quella striscia di acqua dove avviene il massacro. Se non fermiamo quello, se non risolviamo quel problema, è inutile pensare alle grandi battaglie. Non c'è speranza.
Ric O'Barry
If you aren't an activist you're an inactivist.
Ric O'Barry
The thing that turned me around was the death of Flipper, of Cathy. She was really depressed. I could feel it. I could see it. And she committed suicide in my arms. That's a very strong word, suicide. But you have to understand dolphins and other whales are not automatic air breathers, like we are. Every breath they take is a conscious effort. And so they can end their life whenever life becomes too unbearable by not taking the next breath. And it's in that context I use the word suicide. She did that. She swam into my arms, looked me right in the eye, and took a breath... and didn't take another one.
Ric O'Barry
Sole a catinelle
Ehi, Danie'! Sto entrando in Massoneria, ci sentiamo più tardi.
Checco Zalone