kyra l'elfo

Apocalypse Now
Col. Kurtz: Lei e’ un assassino? Cap. Willard: Sono un soldato. Col. Kurtz: Ne’ l' uno ne’ l' altro. Lei e’ un garzone di bottega che e’ stato mandato dal droghiere a incassare i debiti sospesi
Martin Sheen - Cap. Willard , Marlon Brando - Col. Kurtz
Blade Runner
Io ne ho viste cose che voi umani non potete immaginare....
rugter hauer - Roy Batty
Io non sono nel businnes, io sono il businnes
Sean Young - Rechel
The Blues Brothers - I fratelli Blues
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we have got a full tank of gas, 1/2 pkt of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses
Dan Aykroyd - Elwood Blues
Clerks - Commessi
Dante: Trentasette, la mia ragazza ha ciucciato trentasette cazzi. Randal: In fila?
Brian O'Halloran - Dante Jeff Anderson - Randal
Dr. Creator specialista in miracoli
Si dice che quando la scienza riuscirà finalmente a spiare oltre la cresta della montagna, scoprirà che la religione era seduta là da sempre
Peter O'Toole - Dr.Harry Wolper
I tell you Boris, that one of these days we'll look in to our microscope and find ourselves staring right into God's eyes, and the first one who blinks is going to lose his testicles.
Peter O'Toole - Dr.Harry Wolper
Boris: Love is dead, Harry. Dr Harry Wolper: How depressing. Never mind, Boris. Women's liberation will run its course and we will prevail.
Vincent Spano - Boris Lafkin, Peter O'Toole - Dr.Harry Wolper
Boris: Harry, how did you know you were in love? I mean with you and Lucy. How'd you know it wasn't just infatuation? Dr Harry Wolper: Scientifically, of COURSE. By using The Love Formula. Boris: The what? Dr Harry Wolper: Love Formula. Add up the number of times that you think about the lady each day. Subtract from the total the number of times you think about yourself each day. If the remainder is more lady, and less yourself, then it's love.
Vincent Spano - Boris Lafkin, Peter O'Toole - Dr.Harry Wolper
Boris: Wanna know something really crazy, Harry? Dr Harry Wolper: Always.
Vincent Spano - Boris Lafkin, Peter O'Toole - Dr.Harry Wolper