Hai cercato: Teresa

Teresa / 2010

icona serie tvTeresa

Teresa Chavez is a young woman with an obsession for money and ambition. Despite her beauty and the fact that she was raised in the bosom of a loving family, she is resentful; her one desire is to leave her humble but poor neighbourhood.

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Teresa / 2023


Teresa, a Carmelite nun, reformer, and mystic of the Roman Catholic Church, has been ostracized for her beliefs. She will meet with the Inquisitor. All kinds of decisions regarding her are possible.

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Teresa / 1989

icona serie tvTeresa

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Teresa / 19875.01 voti


Teresa, rimasta improvvisamente vedova, scopre che il marito doveva una forte somma di denaro a un certo Nabucco, uomo d'affari di pochi scrupoli. Nabucco, invaghitosi della procace Teresa, le propone di sposarlo come "saldo" del debito. Ma l'indomita donna non accetta e, con l'aiuto di Gino, un esperto camionista, si mette alla guida di un Tir.

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Teresa / 19516.01 voti


An Italian war bride has problems dealing with her husband's possessive mother.

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Teresa D'Avila - Il castello interiore / 20158.01 voti

Teresa D'Avila - Il castello interiore

A new vision of the figure of Saint Teresa through the eyes of a young woman of our day who reads one of the main works written by the saint, The Book of Life.

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Conosciuto per: Say Yes Again (2022), On The Road (SERIE TV 2019)

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Teresa / 19616.01 voti


Teresa is a beautiful and intelligent young woman, desperately seeking to leave the grinding poverty of the neighborhood where she lives.

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Conosciuto per: Dulhan Banoo Main Teri (1999)

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Conosciuto per: Cidade Áspera ()

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Teresa / 2017


Teresa evokes a memory. A memory as a place of resistance. A memory suspended in space and time. A place one can return to. The fragmented image of an intimate record. The impression of moments forgotten in time but ready to emerge from oblivion—moments that allow us to build a possible history: the history we want to see. – Tânia Dinis

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Teresa / 1971


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Teresa / 1956


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Teresa / 2009


Teresa Wilms Montt is a writer, a rebellious woman, tormented and beautiful. He marries at age 17 challenging family opposition. She falls in love with someone she should not and the family court condemns her to confinement in a convent. Separated from her two daughters, she escapes to Buenos Aires with Vicente Huidobro. From that flight her life becomes an exciting and tragic itinerary.

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Teresa / 2009


Teresa comes to São Paulo to make her wedding dream come true, but she is forced to change her plans when faced with a reality that is far less romantic than she had imagined.

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Teresa /


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Teresa / 2017


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Teresa / 2019


A middle aged Italian man is lonely and misses his wife, who has left him. The cure for loneliness is as bizarre as it is practical. The result of the cure is poignant and hardcore.

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Teresa / 2010


Teresa, Rocío and Yolanda, which are the names that Elena Iyanga, Dina Anguesomo and Isabel Kote personify, are three adolescent students with totally different lives, but united by friendship. Teresa, the main character, is a young woman, enthusiast of the street life, fun, discotheques, dating.... Her best friend is Rocío, a well-off who is less interested in studies because she has everything. And finally Yolanda is a young woman from a very humble family whose parents are ill; she takes her studies very seriously in order to get ahead in the future, and she advises her friends to take the right path, although they do not pay attention to her. It deals with a story based on actual events, produced by the National Library of Equatorial Guinea and filmed in the country by various young film makers of different producers and different means.

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