Mototopo e Autogatto

/ 19706.03 voti
serie tvMototopo e Autogatto

In this Hanna-Barbera show, Motor Mouse lives in the Spin Your Wheels garage, where it\'s the job of Auto Cat to get rid of him, only to fail time after time. (But all\'s not war and thorns--often, at the end of the day, Motor Mouse will give Auto Cat a lift home.) Motormouse & Autocat first appeared with sixteen episodes as part of the back segments to the Cattanooga Cats show. The following year on September 12, 1970, the hour-long show was split into two half-hours.

Titolo Originale: Motormouse and Autocat
STAGIONI/EPISODI: 1 Stagioni , 34 episodi, conclusa
Durata episodi: 6 min.
Attori principali: Marty Ingels, Dick Curtis,
Genere: Animazione
Network: ABC

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